This is too special! I told Grannie Annie the other day that I wanted to link to some of her posts that are very special to me. You should go to her site and read her blog because its a really great blog, but here in order are some absolute can't miss posts.
This is the first spring in 15 years that I haven't had my lovely, wrinkly, prickly gray, old pig friend T. S. Belliot to provide me with love and laughter. How I miss him and his partner in crime, Miss Suki who predeceased him. No wonder I'm a bit glum this spring.... and thank goodness for Granny Annie and her brood of interesting creatures that captivate my heart.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Special Pictures
Posted by
Linda G.
5:22 PM
Labels: Granny Annie
Sunday, April 26, 2009
It's Fever..Spring Fever
Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him, pene-trating even his dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing.
Posted by
Linda G.
1:09 PM
Labels: Keneth Graham, Spring Fever, Wind in the Willows
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Tomato Dreams....
The Dream is that we'll get to the ripe red globe above or even the firm green cluster below from.....
these pathetically spindly sprouts ......
this is the point where where Faith enters the picture...Early Girl, Novidad,Black Russian,Yellow Pear,....Tom Stripey.......
Posted by
Linda G.
2:39 PM
Labels: faith, tomato plants
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Prescott Tea Party
I posted pictures of the Prescott tea party on Speaking Out. Just access from my side bar.
Posted by
Linda G.
8:36 PM
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Going For a Sunday Drive
My Granddaughter, Jamie has her learners permit and is preparing to hit the road!
Yesterday, we went out to the DVM to practice driving, complete with parking and backing up. This is the second time we've been there, but this time there was traffic! Three other cars were creeping around and even, for a heart stopping second or two, meeting to slide carefully past one another in opposite directions.
Posted by
Linda G.
12:38 PM
Labels: learning to drive
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Black Bear Quints
I got another wonderful email. This one features a Black Bear sow with five cubs. This time, unlike the eagles over lake Tapps, I found the site of the wildlife photographer who took the photos.
I think these pictures have been circulating for a long time. If you haven't seen these excellent pictures of a rare multiple birth, they and some other very nice wildlife photography are at Tom Sears' site.
Have a lovely day!
Posted by
Linda G.
9:42 AM
Labels: Black Bear quints
Monday, March 30, 2009
Yellow Lily
Posted by
Linda G.
11:31 AM
Labels: spring, yellow lilly
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Spring Hyacinth
A pretty little hyacinth peeks through the pine needles in Ee's meadow.
After much soul searching, I've started yet another blog!
Last month, I started Prescott Past in order to share Ee's collection of old Prescott post cards.
Now I'm starting a blog called Speaking out in Freedom where I'll contain my Political rants. I posted for the first time to tell of my Grandson's experience in meeting two young Marines who had had an encounter with some college kids on spring break.
This blog will stay the same old....
Posted by
Linda G.
8:26 AM
Labels: speaking out for freedom, spring hyacinth
Monday, March 23, 2009
Posted by
Linda G.
9:38 AM
Labels: old photos, sisters
Friday, March 20, 2009
The First Day of Spring!
The day when the sun is in perfect line with the equator. According to the news this morning, it is today although March 21 is usually the date of the Vernal Equnox, but this year it's the 20th. It can't be too soon for me! It's been spring break for the girls so we stopped by Watters Garden Center the other day. Roo looks it over deciding where to zoom in.

Posted by
Linda G.
8:58 AM
Labels: first day of spring, watters garden center
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patricks Day!
Posted by
Linda G.
10:38 AM
Labels: spring, St. Patricks Day
Friday, March 13, 2009
9000 Earmarks
I've been trying to learn a bit more about the convoluted workings of Congress, and here is a basic: each project or "earmark" goes through the process of authorization and appropriation. I found an informative site here, on Congressional Line.
authorization - A statutory provision that obligates funding for a program or agency. An authorization may be effective for one year, a fixed number of years, or an indefinite period. An authorization may be for a definite amount of money or for "such sums as may be necessary." The formal federal spending process consists of two sequential steps: authorization and then appropriation.
appropriation - The provision of funds, through an annual appropriations act or a permanent law, for federal agencies to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. The formal federal spending process consists of two sequential steps: authorization and then appropriation. Legislation status tables and information about the appropriations process are available on the Appropriations page.
On March 10, 2009, John McCain had this to say to the President and to his fellow Congressmen:
"In 1991 there was a total of 537 earmarks for the entire appropriations process. This evil has grown, and it has grown, and it has grown-to the point where we now have 9000 earmarks. All we are asking is to authorize. We have talked a lot about the individual earmarks. But the fact is, they are not authorized. I heard one of my colleagues today on this side of the aisle say, "Well the authorizing committees are too busy."
Really? Really?
So all we are asking is to go back to what this body had done and the Congress had done for a couple of hundred years: that is authorize the projects."
Let's make it clear that we don't approve of earmarks from either party and that we especially dislike Congressional committee members being "too busy" to follow proper procedures.
I've already written John McCain to thank him for his stance.
Today, I'm writing to Nancy Pelosi to tell her we Americans aren't deaf, dumb, and blind. She needs to get her house in order. We need to let her know that it is not really her house! It is ours, and we are watching her!
Senator John McCain
241 Russell
Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
235 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Posted by
Linda G.
10:22 AM
Labels: appropriation, authorization, earmarks, John McCain-Washington address, Nancy Pelosi-Washington address
Thursday, March 12, 2009
All Bound up in Government
This is the way I picture our poor beleaguered Country. Regrettably, the working American taxpayer is being wrapped in an ever tightening web of
an increasingly demanding Government. Seemingly gone are the days when most of our elected representatives felt they worked for us or even represented us.
I have been wondering what I can do. Well, for the price of some paper, envelopes and stamps, I can write letters to let my Congressmen and my President know that I'm paying attention. I know I can easily send them emails, but I'm going to write real letters. Mainly, I'm going to let them know I'm paying attention, that I'm not the stupid sheep they think I am!
You can look up your Governmental Representatives, including your Governor and members of your State Legislature here. Project Vote Smart makes it easy to review the voting records and read the speeches of your Representatives. They provide contact information so we can write or email our Representatives telling them how we feel about their performances.
This was not my vision for my retirement years, but now I can't help feeling , if we can't exert some checks and balances in Congress now, we will deserve what we get. The trouble is our Grandchildren and their children and their children will suffer from our negligence and disinterest.
How about wounded Vets paying for their own medical care? Unbelievable? Maybe, but you might want to read this.
Repeat after me, a letter a day to keep the socialists away, Yes I Can!
Gotta I'm writing a thank-you letter to John McCain (Rep.AZ) for his speech standing up against earmarks in this spending bill.
Posted by
Linda G.
10:17 AM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Exercise in Frustration!
I just read This:
After a special meeting of the democratic Steering and Policy Committee ...Mark Zandi, a key economic advisor to congressional Democrats has said, "I think another stimulus package is a reasonable assumption because of the way things are going."
What does he mean "because of the way things are going" anyway! From bad to worse it seems to me, so what is his reasoning here?
And: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), standing with members of her leadership team by Zandi's side, said she agreed another stimulus bill is being considered.
Read the article here.
It's time to do whatever we can to stop this government run amok!
I'm going to email this article to everyone in my address book, and I hope you will too. We have to start somewhere, and united in indgnation is as good a place as any.
Posted by
Linda G.
11:47 AM
Labels: Pelosi, stimulus bill, Zandi
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Aerial Combat Over Lake Tapps
Yesterday, I received this email titled: Aerial Combat Over Lake Tapps.
The photos were taken by a professional photographer who sent them out as email with a wonderful commentary. I've googled the title to see if he published them and could only find a site that had copied his email.
I wish I could give him credit here for both photos and words. It's just too great not to share!
Update: Thanks to a commenter, I have the name of this photographer/author: Thank you Gary Wheeler!!
Update # 2: Thanks to another commenter, a prologue from the original email
"I was walking along the shore of Lake Tapps on Monday, and noticed a a little more than 1/4-mile away (as measured later by GoogleEarth). I saw a Bald Eagle circling and repeatedly diving on what I thought must be a school of fish. Soon he was joined by another Eagle and they began to fight each other for the prey. Territorial Eagle fights do happen,but I've never seen one, nor have I seen any good photos...
All these pics were taken hand-held with my Panasonic FZ-28 at 18X zoomwhich is 486mm. All pics were taken on Intelligent Automatic which is justpoint-and-shoot. I had previously selected okay up to ISO@0 and it was abright day, which is as good way to force the shutter speed to 1/500 sec. to1/1000 sec. for all the shots even though the camera performed everything automatically.
Most of the images were cropped to a small fraction of their original sizewhich effectively multiplies that Optical Focal Length of 486mm by the ratioof: original image width ÷ cropped image width. The action was over1/4-mile away, and I ended up with effective Focal Lengths of well over 1,000mm for half the pics shown here, so they are not up to my normalstandards of image quality. Nevertheless, they are exciting and tell quite a story...Enjoy, Gary The fellow sitting on the tailgate of his pickup truck never realized what he was missing.
The little duck watches as the eagle speeds straight at him at about 40 mph.
With perfect timing the duck always dove and escaped with a mighty splash! Then he'd pop to the surface as soon as the Eagle flew past. This was repeated over and over for several minutes. I worried the poor duck would tire and that would be the last of him.
A second eagle joined the attack! The duck kept diving "just in time," so the eagles began to dive into the water after him!

A terrible miscalculation! The luckiest shot of my life catches the 100 mph collision between two Bald Eagles.

It's sad to watch an Eagle drown. He wriggled, flopped and struggled mostly under water. He finally got his head above water and with great difficulty managed to get airborne. To my astonishment, he flew straight toward me, and it was the most wretched and unstable bird flight I've ever seen!

He had a good six foot wingspread and looked mighty angry. I was concerned that I might become his next victim. The bedraggled Eagle circled me once then it lit atop a nearby fir tree.

My half hour wait was rewarded by this marvelous sight. He flew away, almost as good as new. May America recover as well."
Posted by
Linda G.
9:23 AM
Monday, March 2, 2009
Oh, the March Wind Doth Blow!
Posted by
Linda G.
10:29 AM
Labels: Hawthorne, NV, trucks blown over, Walker lake
Thursday, February 26, 2009
What a Wonderful Day!
I got this in email, and thought I'd share it....
Hope your day is truly wonderful!
Posted by
Linda G.
6:10 AM
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Back at the Lift
After the work was done, the lift became a carnival ride. Mom went up and away.......that's her in the first picture.....
Then, I got my turn in the tree tops with a view of Thumb Butte.
And last, but never least.........The outsides of my upstairs windows got washed! Life is good.......
Posted by
Linda G.
11:03 AM
Labels: 60 foot lift, window washing
Friday, February 20, 2009
Tree Cutting
A few years back, a pine bark beetle attacked trees in our area
, killing thousands of trees in the Prescott National Forest and on privately owned property.
My daughter and SIL
who live next door, lost five big Ponderosa Pines.
The dead trees were dangerous, but estimates to remove them ranged from $15.000 to $20,000.
They were shopping around for a better deal when...
Enter our son who insisted he could take down the trees if they would rent a lift. It seemed dangerous to the rest of us and they tried to say no, but in the end, he prevailed and they rented a sixty foot lift.
This tree that towered 15 or 20 feet above the 60 foot reach of the lift was first.
A judicious cut, and then it was pulled over landing with an earth shaking crash, exactly where he had planned for it to fall.
( I was wringing my hands and praying at the time, I think that helped)
The rest of the tree came down in sections, logs plopping to earth one by one, not so scary.
He took all five trees down and then popped over to do one at our house and up to some neighbors to do some tree trimming.
Posted by
Linda G.
9:25 AM
Labels: cutting trees, pine bark beetle
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A Pretty Picture!
Posted by
Linda G.
7:23 AM
Labels: Great Grandchildren, viruses
Monday, February 16, 2009
Catching a Cold...
Well, Bodder!
I've been fighting off a cold for days, but it's winning. I'm reeking of garlic, drowning in fluids, and full of chicken soup. There are a couple of humongous vitamin C tablets wedged crosswise in my esophagus.
I did post on Prescott Past today, but now I think I'll go lie down.
I'll try to do some catching up in the blogosphere a little later....after a snooze.........
Posted by
Linda G.
10:28 AM
Labels: catching cold
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Who knew?
You're never too old to learn!
I am in my seventy-first year and I just learned some new definitions!
Silly me, I thought that Government monies devoted to infrastructure meant money and jobs reinforcing highways, bridges, dams, levies, water ways, and public transit.
I thought the stimulus bill was to pay Americans to work while improving basic conditions in America.
Now I have learned that infrastructure also can mean..water parks and Frisbee parks, miniature golf courses and polar bear enclosures.
I have learned that it means $240,000,000 to shore up the sagging film industry.
(Just maybe Hollywood should start producing movies with real plots, lively dialogue, and fewer moral lessons for those of us too dumb to see it their way. After all, they are the entertainment. Let them actually entertain and viewers will come back.)
I have learned that infrastructure can mean free abortions for women around the world.
How about a snow making and maintenance facility?
Or $375,000,000 for a Las Vegas Convention Center?
For a look at requests from United States cities and towns you can go to
Stimulus Watch where you can see how much for what projects Mayors across the country are requesting, and if you have knowledge of a project in your area, vote yes or no on it.
There were no requests from my town, but quite a few from other towns and cities in Arizona.
Posted by
Linda G.
10:07 AM
Labels: infrastructure, stimulus bill
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Wild Goose Chase....
click any of these for full effect..especially the last one....
Posted by
Linda G.
8:36 AM
Labels: Chino Valley, wild geese
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Light Fingers
I posted another lovely old Post Card on Prescott Past. I hope you'll take a look!
When I was a little girl, my Grandmother used to quote:
Taffy was a Welshman,
Taffy was a thief;
Taffy came to my house
And stole a piece of beef
I went to Taffy's house,
Taffy was not home;
Taffy came to my house
And stole a marrow bone.
I went to Taffy's house,
Taffy was not in;
Taffy came to my house
And stole a silver pin.
I went to Taffy's house,
Taffy was in bed;
I took up a poker
And threw it at his head.
There are several versions of this old Welsh/English nursery rhyme, but this is the one I remember. Except, I believe the last line was and hit him on the head!
Well, I went to Tombo's house and this is what I stole!
Posted by
Linda G.
11:14 AM
Labels: save the words, Taffy was a Welshman
Monday, February 2, 2009
How Green is my Thumb?
We aren't supposed to grow morning glories here, but I ordered some from a catalog a few years ago and not only did they arrive on my doorstep, but I still have some seeds left!
And tomatoes..........I'm still trying to decide on the ones I want and it's about time to get them planted in flats where they'll get lots of light from the kitchen window.
Posted by
Linda G.
7:28 AM
Labels: tomato tomatoes, vegetable seeds