For all those blogger buddies who stuck with me through a rather long drop out when I didn't post at all, and then continued to stick throughout my period of political rant., I just want to say, Thank you! Please know I'll never take you for granted!
And for all my Blogger Buddies, old and new, I want to say that its my life has been enriched from reading your stories and seeing your pictures..Thank you all for sharing your lives and your ideas! I wonder what you'll show and tell me in 2009....
As for me, I was going to post something funny I got in email a month or so ago, but couldn't find it. Luckily, just this morning a friend sent me this bit of frivolity..
Have a Happy, Healthy, and
Prosperous New Year!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!
Posted by
Linda G.
7:19 AM
Labels: Happy new year
Sunday, December 28, 2008

I was ten or eleven and we were living in the tiny house that my Mom and Aunt had remodeled here in Prescott, when one day, I found the cat playing with a little creature that turned out to be a chipmunk so tiny that it's eyes were still closed. I snatched it away to wrap it up in a wash cloth, knowing it needed to be kept warm. My Mom rigged a box with a light as an incubator, we took turns feeding it milk with an eye dropper and miraculously, the little thing lived.
I can't remember what we named the busy little creature, something inane like Chip I think. It had the run of the house and helped itself to pinon nuts and sunflower seeds from high, open cupboard shelves. Pinion nuts were not the expensive commodity they are now. They were available by the pound in little markets around town and there was always a little paper bag open for him next to an open bag of sunflower seeds. He would climb up into the cupboard filling his cheeks with pinons in the shell or sunflower seeds that he preferred to shell before scampering down to run around poking them into every available nook and cranny, every crack and fold throughout the house.
He loved to store his provisions in my tightly braided hair and took full advantage of easy accessibility when I was stretched out reading. (I think I had gone to sleep here motivating the picture taking. I still go to sleep in that position, wake to read a little more, and doze off again)
Up he would climb, running up to my shoulder to store his food in my hair, then away to refill his cheeks for a repeat performance.

Posted by
Linda G.
6:16 AM
Labels: chipmunk, in winter I get up at night, Robert Louis Stevenson
Friday, December 26, 2008
'Twas the Day After...
Roo proclaims a two thumbs up Christmas!
and I agree. We celebrated at my daughter's home this year where everything was bright and beautiful and of course we ate too much and wished for room enough for just one... more... piece of.... pie...
Now, the darkest days of winter are over and we're looking ahead to the new year with it's infinite possibilities. Ee and I put down our books to study the seed catalogs that have already started arriving in the mail. This year, I'm hoping to grow some of those tiny grape sized tomatoes. I'm watching some seeds on eBay...guess I'll get serious and bid on them.
Right now, I think I'll visit some blogger buddies...and maybe for breakfast, have..some left over scalloped potatoes...and just a very small slice of pie...
Posted by
Linda G.
6:47 AM
Labels: cay after Christmas, tomato tomatoes
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
O Holy Night
The stars were brightly shining.........

Posted by
Linda G.
6:20 AM
Labels: O Holy Night
Friday, December 19, 2008
Zis for....Zippity Doo Dah!
What a wonderful day! I made it all the way through the alphabet and I expect that tomorrow I'll feel a little lost....untethered.... at loose ends, but today it feels GOOD!
Lisa at Laughing Orca Ranch who instigated this alphabet blog has been posting some great pictures and informative posts of her New Mexico home complete with it's fascinating array of creatures, including endangered breeds of sheep. If you love animals, you should meet Lisa's menagerie.
When I was a little girl in the forties, my Mom and I used to sing songs like Zippity Doo Dah just for fun. Her family always sang to entertain themselves on long trips.
Mom likes to tell about a trip she and her sister took with a friend and her family. As was their habit, Mom and my Aunt sang their hearts out as they drove along miles of dusty country road to their destination, a family reunion and picnic. After the long day of fun and food, and they had been packed along with their friend, into the back seat of the car, the father turned to give them a stern look..
"No singing!" he said emphatically.
The entire return trip was made in suffocating silence as two young girls digested the fact that not everybody sings everywhere they go.
Of course, I think they should, and the words of those old songs pop into my head as I'm driving or doing dishes. Before you know it, I'm singing away.
My children and grandchildren have enjoyed singing in the car,,,to a point. There's the joy of The Wheels on the Bus and B*I*N*G*O that escalates into learning a repertoire of new songs like Buffalo Gals and roundelays like Bright Coral Bells that are coincidentally, my favorites. Then come the elementary years when they teach me songs they've learned in music class inevitably followed by the Jr. High years when they firmly decline to sing at all. I can't blame it on the iPod either..that's just the way it is.
Here's Zippity Doo Dah from Disney's Song of the South.
Feel free to sing along!
Have yourself a Zippy little day!
Posted by
Linda G.
7:17 AM
Labels: singing, Zippity Doo Dah
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Y is for Yarrow
aka....Milfoil, Knights milfoil, soldiers woundwort, herbe militarias, carpenter's weed, staunchweed, nose bleed, sanguinary, bloodwort.... just reading those names is a clue to the use of this herb's use throughout history. It got the name Achillea from the ledgend that it was used to staunch the bleeding of Achilles' soldiers war wounds.
This white yarrow is the variety that grows throughout Northern Arizona. I used to keep some in my garden and when one of my children got a minor cut or scrape I just mincd a little yarrow, mixed it up with a morter and pestle added some aloe vera, applied it to the wound and slapped a bandaid on it. As a dressing, it was a little lumpy, but I can't remember any complaints and everything healed just fine.

A healing ointment is still made from yarrow and used in the Highlands of Scotland today.
The flowers are pretty in fresh cut or dried bouquets or just nodding their heads under the weight of droning bees in the summertime....
Posted by
Linda G.
7:32 AM
Labels: achillea, healing properties of yarrow, millefolium, yarrow
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
X is for xerox
Every morning when I first turn on my computer, I pop in to Lets Say Thanks and send a postcard to a service man or woman. It takes about 60 seconds if I send one of their prewritten messages and a bit longer if I compose a message myself. My thought is that in one to five minutes a day, I can say thank you to three hundred and sixty-five members of the armed services a year.
Posted by
Linda G.
7:44 AM
Labels: cards for the troops, say thanks
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
W is for Wintery, Windy Day...
Posted by
Linda G.
6:47 AM
Labels: Winter snow storm
Monday, December 15, 2008
V is for Venison
Late yesterday afternoon, our Granddaughter, Mu
struggled in lugging a huge crock pot brimming with our son's rich, venison stew.
I knew they were coming, so I'd made some little cheesy biscuits and popped a peach and an apple pie in the oven (thank you Sara Lee)
My Mom hasn't been feeling well, so our son drove the hundred or so feet back to her little house and brought her up in style. We set up card tables in front of the fire and as we ate our simple meal, we talked and laughed, and talked.....
I needed that.
Posted by
Linda G.
7:15 AM
Labels: Venison stew
Sunday, December 14, 2008
U is for Umbel
When a cluster of small flowers at the end of a stem form a natural little bouquet it's called an umbel....
Posted by
Linda G.
8:50 AM
Labels: umbel
Saturday, December 13, 2008
T is for Topiary
Topiary seems to go with Christmas time. The one below is made of Holly sporting red berries. It comes from a company that sells artificial flowers and topiaries. They advertise the fun shapes below already lit by fairy lights. I really love the Saguaro cactus. The largest is 65" tall.

Maybe I could make an elephant.....but I'd rather have this dragon! Wait! I can have this's 100 feet long, sold at at Neiman Marcus for $35,000. It's in the 2008 Christmas catalog if you want one too...

You can buy wire frames to fill with sphagnum moss to achieve a fun look in much less time. There are a wide variety of whimsical shapes available. I 'd have a hard time choosing....

Posted by
Linda G.
6:26 AM
Labels: Christmas topiary, topiary
Friday, December 12, 2008
S is for Spicy
Once or twice a year, I order spices and herbs online. By ordering the spices I use frequently, like chili powder and curry, in bulk I save a little money. But mostly I do it because they are fresher, and each time I can order something I've never tried before. This time I got a small jar of chipotle chili powder for it's smoky Southwest flavor, and some toasted onion powder hoping to give dips the taste without the salt. In the past I've ordered vanilla beans and lemon zest (not as good as freshly grated). Next time I think I'll try some whole nutmegs to grate myself! I order from Spice Barn, but there are many spice companies online. They used to package everything in plastic bags, so that the whole house was filled with exotic scent the moment the box was opened.
Now, the packages, designed to preserve their contents, seal that aroma away. Still, it's fun to open the box and to think of the things I can cook...
Posted by
Linda G.
8:08 AM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
R is for Radiation
Yesterday, as he deftly applied his tiny stitches, he told me about his 700 pound steer that had demolished a gate to make his way into the luxurious community surrounding Prescott's premier golf course. That area also opens up access to some steep and rugged forest on upper Aspen Creek and, after having been spotted along the fringes of the golf course a few times, it seems that's where the poor fellow must have ventured.
"You need cowboys," I advised.
He already has two cowboys from a local ranch lined up to look for his steer saying "I've had several offers , but these two are good in brush. I think they'll get the job done."
Before I knew it, he was finished and I came home to watch a movie or two with my head carefully tilted back as instructed.
Most of my skin cancers come from seeds planted by UV radiation while I was a carefree teen riding out across the prairie with no hat and returning home with many a bad sunburn. But we didn't know then. Did we?
Posted by
Linda G.
8:46 AM
Labels: lost steer, Mohs, skin cancer, sun's radiation, UV radiation
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Q is for....
I'm Quaffing my coffee, lost in Quixotry, as I consider the Quagmire of alphabetical blogging.
I'm in a Quandary and feel some Qualms as I'm off to a minor surgical procedure..not that I Quake in fear of Quackery from my Doctors., I'm not even Queasy...I just need to Quell the urge to keep on
Posted by
Linda G.
5:59 AM
Labels: the letter Q
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
P is for Pig
They were popular with people of all ages and had many visitors. Here, Tigger's Granddaughters come to see T to offer petting and treats. When my Granddaughter, Piglet was about that age and T. was almost fully grown, she held out a hand with a treat in it, but had her fist firmly closed around it. T. was young. The teeth in that huge maw were razor sharp, and my heart skipped a beat as, before I could stop her, the tiny fist totally disappeared inside!
Posted by
Linda G.
7:58 AM
Labels: pig tipping, pot-bellied pigs
Monday, December 8, 2008
O is for Orb
Here are two. I'm always awed by pictures of the earth taken from space ..the sheer perfection of our planet with it's small orbiting orb. This is a hectic time of year........ sometimes it's good to take a deep breath just to get things into perspective!
Posted by
Linda G.
6:56 AM
Labels: earth from space, perspective
Sunday, December 7, 2008
N is for Nutmeg
This time of year our (well, mine anyway) thoughts turn to all those goodies special to the season..and what is the Holiday season without that cup or two of eggnog? And what is eggnog without that little sprinkle of nutmeg floating on top?

Posted by
Linda G.
6:48 AM
Labels: nutmeg
Saturday, December 6, 2008
M is for Mom
Rick the talented cartoonist at Organized Doodles, suggested that I use Mom for M, and I realized that I haven't written about my Mom lately.
When I was a little girl suffering from asthma, my Mom and I traveled around looking for a place I could breathe. I still think she was brave, as a divorcee with a child, hopping a train arriving in Colorado Springs, or Estancia, New Mexico or Prescott, Arizona, finding a job, and enrolling me in a new school. We landed in Prescott in 1947 and have lived here ever since. Well pretty much ever since, but those are other stories..
Mom had her 95th Birthday on April 19, of this year. She opted for a smaller, just-family celebration this year.
You may remember that she started taking clarinet lessons in November of last year. This year, she participated in her church's annual talent show where she got a standing ovation from the audience! Mom explained to them that she hadn't been playing long, but she'd played the clarinet in high school.
"Of course, that was eighty years ago," sez Mom, and brought the house down. Her playing was excellent as well.
A couple of months ago, my daughter rented a lift so that my son could take down some dead trees for her. (that's a post in itself) There were fringe benefits for us and one was a ride into the sky to look down at our world from a sixty foot vantage point.
There goes Mom..........
She hasn't given up her workshop either! Here's a whimsical birdhouse she built for her Church's rummage sale. She's ordered a new table saw and is planning to make more of these!
So what keeps Mom so vital at 95? Aside from some good genes, Mom has a real zest for life. She finds something new to read, to do, to make, to try, to think about every day... The word tomorrow is synonymous to potential for Mom.
Keep on keeping on, Mom....we love you!
Posted by
Linda G.
8:23 AM
Labels: clarinet, moms, ninety-five years old, whimsical birdhouse
Friday, December 5, 2008
L is for Land
We live in a huge Country, and like most people E and I are grateful to have a little piece to call our own. It's important to us to own a little piece of land and to enjoy the full rights that attend that ownership. But we know that we are, part and parcel, a little jigsaw piece of one Homeland Deep down we know that not only does the Land belong to us, we belong to the Land.
Sir Walter Scott wrote, in 1805 (this is an excerpt)
Oh dear, now I must think of M...Ummmmmmmm..................
Posted by
Linda G.
7:43 AM
Labels: lamd, Sir Walter Scott, this land is your land, Woody Guthrie
Thursday, December 4, 2008
K is for Kites and Kudos
First for the Kudo! This lovely award came from Lisa at Laughing Orca Ranch. Lisa and her family are living a real country life among a variety of critters high in New Mexico. Today she told us about her rare and beautiful, blue eyed, black Karakul sheep, Svetlana. Thank you for this award, Lisa!
I'm going to pass this on (I know some of you don't paste awards on your sidebars, but I wanted to acknowledge you anyway) to:
Changes in the Wind
The Old Sourdough
Grannie Annie
Mary Beth
Granny J.
and last, but far from least, my beautiful Granddaughter, Alicia
And if anyone else would like this little jewel on their sidebar, please help yourself!
Now for Kites..
Here are some some basic kite types....bat, diamond, triangle, sled, box, and some windsocks A fantastic dragon kite from the Smithsonian Kite Festival in Washington D. C.

I really like this squid!

This photo wouldn't enlarge for me, but I wanted to include it because we used to make sled kites from trash bags just like this one. They flew higher and better than any kites we'd ever bought, but had a bad habit of breaking any string or line and sailing blithely away into the wild blue yonder. We tried all kinds of line, but it was stronger than any tether....
Posted by
Linda G.
6:41 AM
Labels: blog award, kites
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
J is for Jabberwocky
Posted by
Linda G.
7:30 AM
Labels: Jabberwocky, Lewis Carroll, memerazation, poetry
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I is for Inch
Hinges on each leg then open to make the two foot length.
Posted by
Linda G.
6:57 AM
Labels: antique ruler