Last summer, E. took this picture of a beautiful Black Swallowtail Butterfly on his Buddleia. This is a nicely scented variety of "Butterfly Bush" that smells almost like lilacs.
If you click the picture, you can see some very nice detail on this fellow.
A quick shot as he fluttered away shows his back markings..
Today, as I look out of the window, I see the that all the leaves have fallen from the branches of the Cottonwood and Russian Olive trees. The sap of life has slipped from those bare bone branches to leave them anesthetized against the cold to come. I'm already longing for the heat of summer, the scent of blossom..... the sight of butterflies.I guess I'll go down under to see what Meggie's growing in her lush and colorful garden.
I am cold. Miserable. It is snowing outside and all I can think about is how horrible the drive home will be. How nice it was to browse through and see something so "spring"-y. Thanks.
great shots, She. Also, a cool idea for a memeblog. Might have to steal it...
Hello Linda, The photos are beautiful. I have one of those bushes in my front landscape. Every summer it's loaded with monarchs, plus black and yellow swallowtails. I just love watching them.
It's freezing cold and snowy here too.
Wishing you a nice holiday,
Butterflies at Thanksgiving. What a treat! Wishing you and yours all the best.
Stewart, thanks for stopping by and for commenting:)
OSD, it's kinda fun thinking up each letter! I'm looking forward to yours:)
Lydia, everything you do is beautiful, I can just see your yard filled with flowers and herbs and the butterflies on yuur butterfly bush:)
Thanks GA, and a Happy ThanksGiving to you too!
You know, I've never seen a black swallowtail. Ever. And we have them hereabouts? Wow. I'd like to get some pictures like yours.
GJ, we have some every year you'll have a ring side seat:)
I love seeing butterflies fluttering about.
Perfect B word :)
New Mexico
Lisa, Winter came so early this year!
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