Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Viewed From the Window

From the high window in our little office, I see blue sky. Hopefully, there will be sun to warm the creatures today.
I'm glad to be able to post photos again, and my spirits refuse to be dampened by the fact that my prose is still centered. This, despite the fact that the left justification margin box is lit, clicked, and double clicked.
The Good News Gentle Reader:, Is:
Despite the format, there will be no more bad poetry, so you can proceed in safety.

This is the way it looked from the kitchen windows yesterday with snow obliterating the bouldered hill usually seen in the near distance.

Outside the livingroom window, the feeder was crowded all day.


Monique said...

Isn't it strange ... They look as if they are black and white (which I love) photographs and then you see the birds and realize they are not ...

TomboCheck said...

Nice photos! I love snow in the forest.

givethemhell said...

I love the photo of those little sparrows huddling together and crowding the bird feeder. They certainly appreciate what you give to them.

Linda G. said...

Monique, thanks for stipping by and for your comment:) The snow does wash all the color out of the world! I never thought about that before!

Thanks Tombo, I've just been enjoying your lovely slide show of photos:)

Give'mH, yes, the little finches flock in thickly and are easy to photograph.

Lucy said...

Never thought I'd be envying the folks in Arizona their snow! Your bird table's certainly busy, lovely pictures.

Catalyst said...

Agreed! Lovely pictures.

photowannabe said...

That snow has a dreamy quality to it. That's when its nice to be snug and warm inside. Seems your sparrows are having a banquet.

Shammickite said...

Thanks for your SOUPer Bowl comment, I'll see what I can do to get the recipe out of OlderSon!
You have lovely pictures today, I specially like the birds all greddily gobbling up the birdseed.
If you are using Picasa, it seems to want to centre all the text, I've had that problem too.

Chickenbells said...

Wasn't the snow just marvelous? I love being able to take all the pictures and get out and walk around and truly enjoy it!!

Jan said...

She, I love the pictures!

I hope that you get all of your blogging probs solved, because it causes major aggravation, I know!

I loved your scrabble poem, too! :)

Linda G. said...

Lucy, we used to get real snowstorms, but now are happy to see these little flurries. Every bit of moisture helps.

Thanks Cat:)

Photo, it was curl up by the fire with a good book time for sure..

Ex, I'm still thinking of that super soup:)

Chickenbells, I think you got quite a bit more snow than we did. It looked like a couple of inches at least. Hurrah for all the moisture we can get!

Thanks Jan:)

Mary Beth said...

How wonderful that you can provide a safe haven for them. I think I get more pleasure from our outside visitors than the cats do.

quilteddogs said...

Omigosh!!! I can't even imagine Prescott like that. I'm only there in the summer and this looks like a whole 'nother country.

Linda G. said...

Mary Beth, it is nice to think we can make the lives of some cold little creatures a little better:)

OD, it's really quite lovely, all shrouded and silent. I think you'd love it:)

Old Sourdough said...

Yay! You got your picture-poster fixed!

meggie said...

Love your pictures. We had 3 seasons in one day, today. I will post tomorrow.
I am glad you can stay indoors, & be cosy.
Love to see the little birds feeding to keep their strenght up!

Gypsy Butterfly said...

It's alos been exremely gloomy in my parts too. I'm just praying to see a peak of the sun.