Saturday, February 16, 2008

More Birds!

You should check out the wonderful post at Walking Prescott
This morning the sun is striking strong and golden through the tree tops. To me, this means a warmer day and I know the barn yard creatures will be soaking it up. They grill themselves on one side, and then flop over to give the other side a chance. All but the peacock. He perches up on whatever is handy and high enough to let his tail hang down. He spends a lot of time outside the back door, occasionally giving voice to his mewling cry. He's training me to pop out to toss him bread and carrot curls when he calls me. What can I say? I'm just a sucker for a gorgeous guy!
Here are some of the birds showing up at the feeder.
A white crowned sparrow and maybe his mate. I'm not sure about that.

Lots and lots of house finches. Here's some interesting behavior. Two grown females, one feeding the other who is fluttering her wings like a fledgling needing feeding. I'm guessing they are practicing for motherhood! I've been seeing a lot of this behavior from the House Finch females. The male seems to be watching, but I think he's just chowing down!

Just click for a better look.

This picture of a Rosy Breasted Nuthatch is a bit blurry, but the best I've been able to catch all year! They're very quick moving and wary little guys.

The little Dark Eyed Juncos (we used to call them Hooded Juncos) come in large flocks and they seem as happy under the feeder picking up spilled seed as eating from the feeder.


givethemhell said...

Those are lovely birds photos, sheloflittlebrain. I like the two females practising feeding and am glad that the peacock is still with you.

Granny J said...

Very good bird pictures! Wish I could do tht qwll. Thank you for the link -- and wait until you see sson's pic of the elusive nuthatch out at Lynx Lake -- it was hanging upside down to get water or a goodie in the water!

Jan said...

Gorgeous pictures, She..thank you for the ray of sunshine!

meggie said...

Oh! I love seeing the little birds! I wish we had some sort of feeder, but the rodents came & ruined our feeding arrangements!

givethemhell said...

Bird feeding time is over here. The sun is shining, the crocuses are blooming, and the little birds can find food on their own now because the earth is not frozen any longer.

I am so very glad that winter is over! Yuhuhu!

Granny Annie said...

Thank you for the introduction to Granny J at Walking Prescott!

Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos of your birds. Right now our front and back porches are torn down and I won't get feeders up until the work is done. Meanwhile, I can enjoy watching your birds with you.

Linda G. said...

Give'em, it's warming up here too, but not much for the little creatures to eat yet.

GJ, I've been using the sport, quick action figure coupled with zooming in..I think it gives me a little quicker shutter speed?

Jan, you're so welcome:)

Thanks Meggie..I'd so love to see the exotic birds in your location!

Granny Annie, glad you found Walking Prescott! And I love be able to share the little doings at my feeder with you:)

Gypsy Butterfly said...

Hello Linda, It sounds as if it was going to be a beautiful day in your area. I'm sure hoping for an early spring. The little birds that visit your feeder are so cute. I must say you have a yard full of these feathery winged creatures. You must love watching them out your window.

Linda G. said...

Hi Lydia, I'm longing for spring too! Yes, with this new feeder, I get to see behavior I've never noticed before, and it is fun:)