Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Spring Fever

After a several months of staring longingly up into the big pines. Raja finally made it. This is where he sleeps and, as you can see, he's is not that early bird who will get the worm! The sun was well up when Eeyore took this picture, and he stayed in bed awhile longer. Meanwhile:

He's as restless as a willow in a windstorm,

He's as jumpy as puppet on a string,

I'll say that he has spring fever,

Since I know it's almost spring................

My sweet Grandchildren gave me a pretty pot of tulips for Valentine's Day. They were sitting by the window with the sun striking a wonderful red in the petals, so I decided to take a picture. I was amazed when the camera saw not red, but yellow in the sunlit petals.

Here they are as my eye sees them in regular light..

And here as the camera sees them with the sun glowing not red as my eye sees it, but yellow through the petals.

A peek into the perfect, symetrical depths of one scented blossom.

As for me:
I'm starry eyed, and vaguely discontented,
Like a nightengale without a song to sing,
I'm as busy as a spider spinning daydreams,
I'm as giddy as baby on a swing,
And I feel so gay, in a melancholy way,
that I know it's nearly spring....
With appologies to Rodgers and Hammerstein...


Jan said...

Such a positively uplifting post, She!

The pictures are beautiful, and I have to admit that the song is one of my favorites...a lovely combination.

TomboCheck said...

funny how what your eye sees and what the camera sees can be so different eh?

It makes me wonder when I see a really moving photo, if that is what the photographer saw, or just the camera?

quilteddogs said...

Your last photo of the tulips looks like a Georgia O'Keefe painting. At least, that's what it reminds me of.

Old Sourdough said...

I LOVE tulips. Unfortunately, so does ever gopher or vole who has ever discovered my address. ...sigh...

Linda G. said...

Thanks Jan, that song was just going through my (little) brain:)

Tombo, I do get surprised by what the camera does and doesn't see..

QD, I hadn't thought of Georgia OKeefe, but it was the sensual aspect of the tulip that I tried to capture!

OldSD, here its the pesky peccary munching down on the tulips. I can't put these bulbs outside..

photowannabe said...

Love the tulips and how the camera sees the colors. Spring is definitely on the way.
Love your interpetation of the song too.

givethemhell said...

Ah, so you named him Raja. That is a fitting name for the wonderful peacock. He will obviously be staying with you for a lifetime. You may feel privileged having him.

The flowers your grandchildren gave you are beautiful. The glow and lustre of these tulips are extraordinary. Tulips are my favorite spring flowers.

meggie said...

It seems very strange to think that large Peacock likes to be high in the tree! It made me smile to see him there.

Beautiful Tulips! They really are glorious flowers!

Anonymous said...

With a large decorative set of tail feathers I guess being up like that helps to keep them looking niced. Nice photos.

Helen/Spike and Drusilla OK Citizens said...

I love the difference between the two pictures. I too have Spring Fever which is not good since we are expecting our first snow storm tomorrow morning. YECH!

Changes in the wind said...

You did such a good job on the photo's and how amazing the difference in the tulips.

Shammickite said...

The tulips are stunning, a bit of sunshine works wonders doesn't it!
Thankyou for your comments about my gorgeous new grandson, I am a very happy "Nana". I know I'm going to enjoy having such a sweet boy as part of my family. He's already keeping Mummy and Daddy up all night and they haven't even left the hosptal yet!

Gypsy Butterfly said...

Hello Linda, I sure love the tulip photos you have posted. It makes me long for spring.

Chris Eldin said...

Stunning photos!!
So pretty. And with your poem, they make a nice duet!

Linda G. said...

Thanks Photo:)

Give'em, that seemed a suitably majestic name for him. I'll get a picture of him fanning out his tail one of these days!

Meggie, he's a funny bird, making us laugh out loud quite often.

OldML, he likes to perch high enough to keep that tail hanging down but off the ground..

Hey Teach, we had a storm the night after this was taken. The poor guy was perched up there covered with snow!

Thanks Changes:)

Ex, I'm so happy for you! Nothing has brought more joy into my life than my Grandchildren:)

Lydia, I think we all have a bit of spring fever!

Thanks Christine:)

Mary Beth said...

I agree with you - I cannot WAIT for spring. The world is completely white outside (the first time this winter) and I hate it! I want to smell the earth. I want to see flowers. I really, really want to feel the sun. Just a few more weeks - sigh....