I'm back on the stinky subject of skunks!
When a skunk starts prowling in search of a chicken dinner, E. sets a trap called a have-a-heart trap. He baits it with some tuna or a few chicken eggs in the evening, and, usually, the very next morning finds the marauder caged and ready for transport to a new home.
This guy was interesting because he had spent his jail time raking dirt into the trap to make a cozy home for himself. Then he was reluctant leave. Brave E. gave him a prod with a little stick... then he was going..............
over the rock and down the draw... quickly disappearing from sight.
He had an exceptionally pretty tail!
Oh, that gorgeous tail! I finally saw one of our neighborhood's skunks and he had a similarly beautiful tail. Too bad the little fellows aren't such little stinkers.
Another practical joke from nature. So pretty, so stinky!
gj, they're amazingly calm when trapped. Too bad they can do so much harm.
meggie, they are cute...one can see why a deodorized skunk was once a fairly popular pet.
We used to have a de skinked skunk as a pet when I was a child.
Made for loads of fun when we took him for walks in the park.
welcome last minute lyn. I'll bet the heads all turned and people gave you a wide berth! It does sound like fun!
Considering their self defense mechanisms, I should think it would be somewhat risky poking the skunk with a stick.
cat, what can I say..the man lives for danger! Truthfully, they are mostly placid and unafraid and seem to need some scary threat to react with the blast..
When riding in the back of the truck, they lift their heads to sent the breeze just like a dog does..Who knew?
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