Friday, November 23, 2007

The Day After

We had a lovely day yesterday. We all cooked and then we all ATE. I imagine it was much the same at your homes. This year, the girls each contributed something to the meal so that was fun. Mu and Roo did some fancy dips to go with vegies or crackers and Piglet did a pumpkin cheesecake. The befores and after, and very tasty too!

E. took this picture of a fluffed up house finch in the mulberry tree, trying to catch a little morning sun while waiting his turn at the feeder.

Changes in the Wind, aka Buckskin Bessie, Last Minute Lyn, and Akasha Savage have all posted seven wild and wonderful things about themselves. Who knew?


Anonymous said...

Nice House Finch shot.

Leigh Russell said...

Hi there, my husband is in the USA visiting his brother was invited to his sister-in-law's family for Thanksgiving. He said the whole atmosphere on your side of the pond is fantastic. I love the name Thanksgiving. I wrote a whole post on how we don't thank each other enough. Happy Thanksgiving from the UK.

Akasha Savage. said...

I am soooo looking forward to Christmas, I love all the festivities and trappings that go with the season.We will be putting up our tree next weekend, oooh can't wait! Working in an infant school, as I do, this is such a great time of the year: all the kids are starting to get excited and looking forward to the holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Changes in the wind said...

What a great picture of one of my favorite birds. I feed them and the little yellow bellied ones along with the quail.

Linda G. said...

OLDML, thanks for the nice compliment, but your site is the one for I love to see your photos;)

Welcome Leigh! You are so right. In a way, it's too bad we need a special day to remeind us of the wonderful and special things in our lives, but it's such a lovely family time too!
I'm looking forward to popping across the pond to read your post:)

Akasha, there's nothing like being around little children at Christmas time...I'm slowing down a bit, but I still love it all..

Changes, how I envy you your quail! We have them in Prescott, but not in our neighborhood. I love the little gabbling noise they make as they come in to feed..

meggie said...

Lovely photo.
Your day sounded nice.