I tried to post yesterday, but right in the middle of my post the cable went out. I didn't notice this for awhile, so I happily went on typing. When I finally noticed that Blogger wasn't saving my post, I'd done quite a bit of it, and lost a lot of it. Well, I was annoyed and called Cable One to voice my disapproval. After navigating numerous recordings, I got a real cable guy.
"Mmmmm," he said,"there is an outage in Prescott, but you're address isn't part of it."
"It might be, " I said. "There's road construction just North of us. They may have cut a cable."
"No," I'm looking right at your modem and you aren't part of the outage. Please unplug your modem."
"Very well," I say reluctantly, "but I have to put the phone down. I'll be back."
"Eeyore, could you wheel out from your desk a bit? E's been absorbed in writing a letter. Absentmindedly, he wheels his chair back. I crawl under his desk, fish around in the dusty cords and cables, unplug the modem and crawl out again.
By now I'm panting and wheezing a bit from the dust. "OK, I say to the cable guy, unplugged."
"Alright," he says slowly and calmly in the tone reserved for very small children and/or blithering idiots, "you have two computers so you must have a router. Do you know where your router is? I need you to unplug your router."
I put down the phone, move E. again, crawl into the dim and dusty recess beneath E's desk and unplug the router. "OK, I wheeze into the phone, "unplugged.
"Please hold for one moment," he says still slow and calm, "I need to confer with my associate." I hold. He returns. "You're part of an outage," he says sweetly. "Your service will be restored as soon as possible. Have a nice day...and don't forget to plug your modem and router back in."
Thanks E, for plugging everything back in, bringing me coffee, and listening to my rant!
On to the the post I tried to do yesterday.
Mary Beth of Cats...Books...Life is Good has tagged me for seven things about me.
There are Rules:
1- Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2- Share 7 random and or weird things about yourself.
3- Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4 - Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
- I love to cook, and what I really love to cook are the comfort foods our Grandmothers prepared every day, but now we know aren't good for us. Pot roast with gravy and mashed potatoes, creamed vegetables with real cream and real butter, and pie..any kind of pie...well, you know! Of course, now E. and I are counting...carbs..sodium..fat..we count and measure it all. But Thanksgiving is coming....the time of the roasting of turkey is upon us....ahhh...the stuffing...the glowing ruby cranberry..the golden yam..the puffy homemade rolls, and the pies..the pies....but I digress..
- About five years ago, I discovered books on tape and CD. I listen to them as I go about the more mundane tasks in life, kitchen chores and cleaning. I pop in the tape or CD, stuff the buds in my ears and the player in that convenient place women have used to store things forever, and I'm off and running. Lately, I've been listening to Anthony Trollope. I've always meant to read Trollope, but just recently got around to it. His books are quaint and charming , a look at the social mores that made up British society in the 1800s....but I digress..
- Sometimes I think I'm losing my sight, but then I clean my glasses and the world brightens up again.
- When the movie Dirty Dancing came out in 1987 I was too scornful of the title to watch it. Four years later, one of my son's girlfriends persuaded me to watch it with her. I got hooked on that movie and watched it so often it became a family joke. One Mother's Day my children and grandchildren were all here. Someone announced there was a peculiar man at the door demanding to see me. I thought it was someone pedaling religion, irritably yanked the door open, and there stood a six foot, cardboard Patrick Swayze....
- I got my first job at age sixteen. If I count on my fingers, all the different jobs I've had and places I've worked I come up with twenty-eight. I wish it were a round thirty and sometimes think I should try two more jobs before I die. I always wanted to be a disc jockey, but never got to do that one, and it doesn't look likely now...would selling on eBay count as a new job?
- When I was about twenty-five, I took a correspondence course in fiction writing. In filling out the forms, I listed Winnie the Pooh as my favorite book. Then I stewed, worrying that the Famous Authors who would be grading my work would think me foolish. It's still my favorite book and at my age, seventy next July, I feel no need to apologize.
- I love old things(there are things older than me, well Mom for one), things with character and history....old kitchen tools, old furniture, old houses. When I sold Real Estate, I was always intrigued by the quaint old homes with their nooks and crannies and charming built-ins, and much less impressed with the enormous carbon footprint homes springing up on the hills overlooking town. Of course, the big homes equaled the big commissions....
Now to tag seven unsuspecting bloggers:
Changes in the Wind
The Old Sourdough
Akasha Savage
Last Minute Lyn
Do this only if you want to, I won't be hurt if you choose not to participate:)
Oh, and never-ever let anybody put you in a corner!