Monday, October 20, 2008

Thars a Cold Wind Ablowin'......

This Summer E converted an old bird bath to a mister. The birds have loved it, especially the hummers, but I guess it's time to turn it off!

Yesterday, one of my oldest and dearest friends stopped by for a game of scrabble and the inevitable "catching up" on each other's lives.
I lit the first fire of the season in our little living room fireplace, and we settled down to the game. There were no seven letter words. I won, but that's because I'm a fierce player who always goes for the score while my friend loves words for their beauty and meaning and will lay down a word like limpa or hobbit for very little score just because she likes it. We've known one another for thirty-five years and this is the first time we've ever gotten into politics.
I of course, was the one who chattered on obsessively.. bringing up my fears regarding the future of America, my initial dissatisfaction at McCain's nomination and my increasing respect for Senator McCain and now my confidence in the McCain/ Palin ticket.
Mostly, I ranted on about an initial mistrust of Barack Obama that has grown into an absolute conviction that he would be the worst President who could ever happen to our Nation in these uncertain times.
I ran through my talking points, ticking them off on my fingers, emphasizing the times that Obama has just shrugged off documented relationships and even recorded statements, looked into the camera and lied, and that those lies were being swallowed whole by millions of people because the mainstream media doesn't call him on anything. I finished my speech by saying that while all the financial advisers I'd read or listened to said that raising taxes in a failing economy is the worst thing anyone can do, Obama has shown no intent of even postponing any of his "share the wealth" programs. (Oh, I was looking for sources to verify this and found that Senator Obama has now acknowledged that he knows raising taxes would further endanger out fragile economy. But wasn't this a bit late in the game? And why is he, six weeks later, still making all those promises about spreading the wealth around?)
Finally, as I paused for breath and my friend narrowing her eyes a bit, queried, "You do know that Colin Powell has endorsed Obama, don't you?"

"Yes, I know that former Secretary of State, Colin Powell who argued the case for the war in Iraq before the United Nations and then had some falling out with the Bush administration has endorsed Senator Obama. Are you aware that at least four former Secretaries of State including George Schultz, Henry Kissinger, and James Baker III have all endorsed Senator McCain?"
No, she admit ed, she didn't She really doesn't have time to think much about what's in store for the country. She just watches the TV news and goes about her busy life. Did anything I said change her mind about anything? Of course not.
Will that stop me from spurring my trusty computer forward, swinging my feeble little lamp against the darkness and shouting. "The Socialists are coming! The Socialists are coming!" I think not! But I feel a cold wind nipping at my bones.........


TomboCheck said...

I won't even pretend to be a politically minded person, but your post is well written and your passion for the race shines through. :)

Jan said...

Oh, She, you are something else!

Maybe what you said will not change her mind, or anyone else's, but you can know in your own heart that you have done your part in trying to get the truth out there.

I know what you are talking many just going about their day to day business, totally unaware of the potential danger we are all in.

I wish I could do more, but I guess what litle we can do is better than doing nothing at all.

Keep up the good gets discouraging, I know.

photowannabe said...

Bravo to you and this well written piece. I like what you said.

Anonymous said...

Bless you, She! You're such a trouper!

Helen/Spike and Drusilla OK Citizens said...

Wow, I can't believe it's gotten that cold already. I was just complaining because we are starting to drop below 50 here in NJ!

I love Scrabble and I am always looking to find the 7 letter word or use the triple word score. We haven't played in a while and I think it might be time to dig out the old Scrabble Board.

Linda G. said...

Thanks Tombo!

Jan, it does seems to be a case of shouting into the wind!

OSD, you're the trooper! As you know, I was reading your blog long before I started this one.

Thanks, Photo:)

Helen, scrabble's a great way to pass a cold winter afternoon. This afternoon Granny J. is coming over for a game! The first we've ever played..I'm filled with trepidation as she's a wordsmith extraordinaire and has about double my IQ to boot.