Sunday, October 12, 2008

Government by the people.......

When all the objectives of government include the achievement of equality - other than equality before the law - that government poses a threat to liberty."
Margaret Tatcher

What happened? Well, four children, work, school or all of us, life....over the years we paid less and less attention....then retirement..and who wants to think about politics when they have seven grandchildren and one and a half great grandchildren to play with? We have places to go and things to do. But wait!

Who's responsible for the financial mess we're in? Yes, the Government, that huge entity where we can certainly point the finger of blame for a failing economy. But wasn't it We The People who voted these people into office and then allowed them cart blanche with our welfare? They were supposedly working for us, yet we paid little to no attention to what our elected officials were doing with our tax dollars. We kept re-electing the same people to represent us in Congress over and over again without bothering to review any legislation they'd introduced or the way they voted on other's legislative bills.

We stood by as our elected representatives awarded themselves higher and higher salaries and larger and larger retirement benefits. After serving two terms, a Congress person can retire with a lifetime benefit package that anyone could envy.

We faithfully watched the evening news and allow the excitable talking heads to influence us because we clung to the outmoded belief that there is some integrity left in journalism. Sometimes we do get upset with some Congressional shenanigans, but by election day, we've forgotten about that and vote for same old familiar name , or along partisan lines, or for somebody new without bothering to questions their qualifications.

Now we find ourselves between the proverbial rock and hard place. This election, like no past election, will determine the future of our Nation.
The Half-baked Sourdough points out this election determines whether we choose to try to dig ourselve out of this financial crater or pick the slippery slide into socialism.
If it were just E. and me, I don't think I'd bother taking the time and energy to express my thoughts on where this election is taking us. But I feel I must speak out. I am the one in our family who says, "better wear a sweater...are you taking your vitamins?.....wouldn't you rather eat this nice veggie casserole than some old fast food burger?.. you are planning to vote aren't you?"
E. and I have enjoyed the best economic and safest years in our country's history, and we have a reason to care about the future. Well, eight and a half reasons, really

Did this financial crisis originate yesterday? Last week? While we were asleep at the switch, government was legislating equality..


Anonymous said...

Can one person give a standing ovation? If so, you just got one from me! God bless you, She. You have a great knack for going directly to the point. What are my five grandkids and two little "greats" going to do if we let this continue? God help America. PRAY! (And thanks for the link!)

Jan said...

She..I've watched this before, and each time I am left without words.

How he continues getting a pass on this boggles the mind.

Linda G. said...

OSD, thanks for your support! I'm not the writer you are, but I feel I need to try...........

Jan, It's so easy just not to worry about tomorrow. They knew that banks would be making bad loans and people would default. They just didn't know how big it would get! At least now I know what a community organizer does!

Granny Annie said...

I join OSD and make it a two person standing ovation. I cannot open the video because I'm on dial up, but I can tell you my personal experience. I was a Marketing and New Development officer for the last bank I worked. It was my job to bring in new business and I was compensated by the type of business I brought. In almost every case, the borrowing customer had to qualify on the three C's (Character, Credit, Collateral) unless they qualified under the CRA (Community Reinvestment Act). Our bank would decline some extremely well qualified borrowers who had character and credit but not enough collateral to cover about three times the amount. Then, the CRA customer could come in with none of the three C's and walk out the door with money in hand. Of the ones that were on our books when I left banking, almost all were in default. Phil Gramm may have written the bill that replaced Glass-Steagill but Bill Clinton was the one who signed the repeal that basically brought all this into being. Government bipartisanship hand in hand. You go girl!

Shammickite said...

I'm just as guilty as anyone for not worrying about tomorrow. As long as the present is sucure, I haven't thought much about the future.
Today is Election Day in Canada. Perhaps a new administration will be voted in, perhps the old one will survive. Either way, it will be close. Everyone is hoping for change, and someone to take charge of this mess that we have all allowed to happen.

Linda G. said...

GA, thank you so much for your first hand information regarding this financial fiasco and the real root of the problem!

sham, life gets busy and we tend to vote and then trust those we voted for ..well that is the way it's suposed to be! Good luck to Canada:) May God bless both our countries in their respective elections!