Wednesday, October 29, 2008

So Many Dollars..How to Spend Them All..

I just spoke with Granny J. on the phone to verify that she'll be here for our weekly Scrabble game, (I need time to prepare for the humiliating experience) and I told her I've been trying to collect my thoughts preparatory to yet another political blog..

My problem? There is so much information surfacing daily regarding Barack Obama's carefully guarded past and policies that I don't quite know where to start!

I don't know how other Americans feel, but I'm insulted as hardworking Americans lose their jobs, see the equity in our homes decrease, watch 401Ks, melt away, and plan a different future for their children than the college they'd hoped for, Barack Obama thinks nothing of spending millions on self-glorification and lengthy TV spots, while he preaches to taxpayers bout spreading the wealth around.

What if he had sacrificed that grandiose Greek Temple stage set at the Democratic Convention and accepted a simple American Flag as a backdrop as his opponent did? Wouldn't that $5,000,000,000 yup, that's five million dollars spent and gone..wouldn't that have done wonders for some of his pet projects?

I don't think that Senator Obama intends to spread any of his own wealth around, after all only those making $250,000 a year will be taxed $200,000..a today I believe that middle class income has slipped to $140,000. And dropping....

By the by, as Mainstream America tightens it's belt and prepares for the worst time in our memory, here's a peek at The Reverend Wright's new home.

You remember Rev. Wright as Barack Obama's twenty year long Pastor, friend, and advisor until the Senator discovered that many potential voters disapproved of Wright. Upon finding that out, Senator Obama seemed to have no problem casting his old friend aside. No loyalty there..............or will that change after the election?

As Rev. Wright continues to curse the inequalities rampant in America, he unveils his 10,000 square foot mansion. Video on Michelle


Anonymous said...

Yep, SOMETHING sure stinks. Good work.

Granny Annie said...

Great post. Definitely food for thought.

Changes in the wind said...

Its a bit too much to take in...isn't it? Hope folks will wake up before it it too late.