Saturday, October 20, 2007

New Resident

Thank you all for the kind comments to my last post. We are feeling fine, and the car didn't suffer any structural damage. So we are mainly very grateful.
The girls are great fun and they are growing up now so they can do about anything I can bring myself to ask them to do. I hate to put them to too much work though!

I think we can consider this guy a permanent resident, at least until we find his owner.. He's moved himself into the back with the chickens and chicken food. No fool he... Still, he remains reclusive and elusive. It took Mu, the stealth photographer to catch him peeking over this fallen branch at the edge of E.s meadow. Despite his flamboyant coloring, he manages to blend in well with his surroundings! If you click on the pic you can see his markings in more detail.
It's still a thrill to look out and see him pacing about in a rather dignified pursuit of grasshoppers.


Shammickite said...

He's quite gorgeous, isn't he? Any idea where he came from? It seems rather odd to have a beacock suddenly appear from out of the blue.
BTW I posted pics of The Wedding, perhaps I will post some more tomorrow. We had such a great time, I'm exhausted!

Anonymous said...

Hello Linda,

I had to look hard before recognizing your elusive and reclusive boarding guest as the same peacock you had already shown us in a previous post.
His turquoise colored head looks gorgeous.

Linda G. said...

ex-shamm, I've heard them in the neighborhood, but we have yet to locate his owner.
Now, I'm off to the wedding!

Olivia, he blends in well doesn't he! We didn't realize he was still here for a couple of days!

Thanks for your lovely butterfly haiku:)

Old Sourdough said...

The enlargement of the picture is GORGEOUS. Such pretty, pretty birds.

Anonymous said...

Here is a peacock haiku for you, Linda:

Does he blend in well?
My lovely peacock hiding
between grass and leaves.

Linda G. said...

OSD, he's cute peeking ver the log too!

Olivia, another lovely haiku..I'm going through my back comments one of these days and collect them all!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Linda,
I feel honored that you will collect all my haiku.

meggie said...

Peacocks are very beautiful, though i understand they can be very annoying when plaintively calling for a mate in the spring.

Rowan said...

Lovely photo of your lodger - he obviously knows when he's well off:)
Sorry to hear about the accident and glad you are all OK - it's still a shock and a nuisance having to deal with the aftermath though. |Hope you are having fun with your grandchildren.

Judy said...

Neat photo. I was straining to figure out just what I was looking at until I clicked to enlarge it. Great peek at the eye! Do you know that peacocks live MANY years? We have some neighbors who have five of them, and they have made provision for continued peacock care in their wills!

Sorry I've not been a very good blogmate lately. Between stresses and too many loose ends and a lot of unfinished business, I've needed to bow out for awhile. 'Hope to be back again soon.

Lydia said...

He's so cute. He has such a pretty color to him. He really seems to have gotten comfy in your yard.

herhimnbryn said...

I think he may well stay as long as possible with you, what with grasshoppers and chook food on hand!

Linda G. said...

Olivia, I'm the one who is honored, that you write your lovely verse for my pix!

Meggie, that's what I've heard! Haven't heard a peep out of him so far, but he's probably waiting until he feels secure..

Rowan, he's hard to catch with a Granddaughter slipped up on him here..
It's very nice to have you back, and I'm taking Mu to visit your England and New England in a minute..

Wiz, we are afraid the potbellied pigs will out live us too.. luckily, our Son and family will give a good home to any pets that survive us!

Lydia, he's settled in alright!

herhimnbryn, he hides as the feed is thrown about and then hurries out to gobble it up as soon as backs are turned.

Anonymous said...

I love your peacock pix. OH by the way this is your oldest grandson finally making it to your blog....