Monday, July 2, 2007

Eight things about solb

" Eeyore, Granny J of Walking Prescott has tagged me to reveal eight fascinating facts about myself," I exclaim in some panic. "Please help me! What on earth is fascinating about me?"

E looks thoughtful. "Well......," he says. "Well, there are many fascinating things about you."

"Thank goodness," I cry, " hands poised above the keyboard. "What's the first one?"

Silence ensues. I turn to look at him. His eyes slide sideways. A bad sign. I read detective novels, and I know these things. He turns from me then, apparently riveted by something outside the window. My hands fall from the keyboard. I wait with diminishing hope.

Suddenly, Eeyore whirls around, looks deep into my eyes and says in the deep, intimate voice he used when courting me over forty years ago, "I find everything about you fascinating!"

Whew! I watch him saunter from the room, and I am so pleasantly overwhelmed by the moment that I pretended not to hear the little chuckle that drifts back as he departs down the hall.

So, I'm on my own. First the rules:

  1. Each participant posts eight facts about themselves.
  2. Tagees should write a blog post of eight random facts about themselves.
  3. At the end of the post eight more bloggers are tagged.
  4. Go to their blogs. Leave a comment telling them they're tagged.

OK, prepare to be fascinated:

  1. In 1938 some misguided Physician prematurely induced my Mom's labor so I presented as a breech birth, my right leg had to be broken to extract me, and I went home with the broken leg strapped to a little board.

  2. I appeared in the newspaper version of Ripley's Believe It Or Not as an infant who could whistle. I personally think I pursed my lips and sucked in sharply as in, boy does that leg hurt and that caused the little whistling noise.
  3. At five years of age, I began to have severe asthma attacks, and because I was pronounced allergic to animal dander, my beloved Veterinary Grandfather had to shower and change his clothing before he could visit me.
  4. In 1947, a move to Prescott, Arizona, then known far and wide as a Mecca for those with breathing problems, was the miracle that allowed me to live a normal life. Thanks Mom.
  5. I was Prescott's first Medical Assistant. I attended school in Phoenix, and in 1969, with a bare modicum of instruction, we did it all. We took and developed x-rays, gave injections, drew blood, did ekgs, etc. Now each seems to be a specialized field.

6. My Heroes have always been cowboys.

7. I rarely drink anything but water or black coffee. No reason. That's just what I like.

8. Although I learned to read at age three, I have never been able to learn to spell. I plan to do a post on this sad affliction one of these days.

And the tagees are..........

That's only five, I know, but these five are fascinating enough for eight or even ten other people.


Anonymous said...

Thanks! Lovely to meet you and be tagged all in one go.

I shall take a stroll around the One Acre Wood and consider my eight things.

And right now, thanks to you, I have Pooh Bear in my head telling me that nobody knows, the more it snows, how cold his toes, are growing!!

KatieB said...

And, I, too was happy to receive the tag.

Last time I was tagged, I notified the people I tagged by email and or posting. This time, I did not post their names and links to them since it seems not everyone checks their traffic and therefore they don't know they have been tagged.

I love the romance of yours, SOLB... mine is just plain old revelations. You picked out an interested group of tagees, there!

Catalyst said...

Well, I was just tagged a month ago so I'll refer you to my June 6th posting.

Linda G. said...

Well, bec, you did ask for it! I can hardly wait to read your eight.

kaitie, looking forward to yours too! I loved your half filled glass and have been pondering mine. That's really more complex.

catalyst! I went back and of course I had read it. That's the trouble with having a little brain. Every time you put something in, something else has to get out.

meggie said...

Hi SOLB, I see I am tagged, so will give it some thought.
I think I have done it before but it is always fun for a laugh.

Gail Rae said...

Oh, wow, you got to me before I got to you! I'm glad you liked my tag answers. I was surprised to find that I liked being tagged.
I'm sorry about my reluctance to tag others. It's a personal fault.
I found yours interesting, too. The spelling thing, by the way? I had a college professor who insisted that spelling ability was born, not made. It's actually a visual, not a lingual ability.
Amazing, too, that you are Prescott's first Medical Assitant! I salute you!
I am also in awe of your whistling ability! I can't whistle out or in, but I have the soul of Roger Whittaker!
Anyway, thanks and thanks! Happy July 4th!

Linda G. said...

meggie, I finally got around to leaving the tag in your very full comment section this a.m., well, it was morning here. I am confused about our time difference!

gail rae, I think to tag or not to tag is a personal choice and you just choose not. No fault there!
I'm going to post on the spelling thing. It's definately some dysfunctional part of the brain, a sort of dyslexia, but I'm not sure they know exactly which and how yet.