Monday, April 30, 2007

The Children's Hour

Between the dark and the daylight,
When the night is beginning to lower,
Comes a pause in the day's occupations,
That is known as the children's hour.

I was working in my little garden just before dark when I looked up to see a pale, full moon on the rise in the eastern sky. The sky was much lighter than the picture depicts, and the thin clouds, tinged faintly with pink, were still reflecting a sun that had already set. I thought first of the "children's moon" that sometimes shines in daylight, and then Longfellow's poem popped into my mind and wouldn't pop out again.

Now the night is aglow with the bright, silvery light from this moon, and that means the Mille Fleur roosters perched high in the old juniper tree will periodically awaken and, in the first confusion of that wakefulness, mistake moonlight for sunlight. Momentarily believing they have overslept, they will hasten to greet the day with hearty cock crows. Eventually, they will realize their mistake, and tucking heads under wings, drop off to sleep again. This performance will repeat itself throughout this enchantingly moonlit night.

Unfortunately this does nothing to endure these residents of The One Acre Wood to our kindly, longsuffering neighbors, and for that, we are heartily sorry.


Catalyst said...

Linda - nice post and photo. Granny J tipped me to your blog and I have added it to the list on mine.

Gail Rae said...

Well, you may think you don't know what to write in your blog, Linda, but I think your posts are delightful! I caught the moon last night, too...just gorgeous!
Granny J tipped me to your blog, too. Good tip, I think.

coyoteradiotheater said...

It's been a while since I heard that bit of poetry. Thanks!

Linda G. said...

Thanks catalyst, I've been enjoying Oddball Observations ever since Granny J. (what would we do without her!) tipped me. I want to link to your blog, but haven't figured out how yet.....

coyoteradiotheater has also been on my faves list for quite awhile now.
Glad someone else remembers the old poetry

gail rae, I sense a kindred spirit in you. Looking forward to reading your blog.

Gail Rae said...

linda g,
Just wanted to thank you for visiting! I wondered about your Mom, after reading the post about the accident outside her church, thank you for telling me about her. Very cool that she's 94 and still independent! I can tell you, because this is the way it's happened for me...the ability to match needs seems to arrive when the needs arrive, so I'm sure, if necessary, you'll do fine with any challenges your Mom's life might present to you. That's how it continues to happen for me. The only difference between "now" and a few years ago is that I have a little more advance confidence than I did then. With that in mind, here's hoping that the only "challenge" with which your Mom's life will ever present you is to love her.

coyoteradiotheater said...

Hi Linda,

can't remember if anyone told you, but you're listed on the Coyote Radio Local Bloggers list:
looking forward to reading more of your work!